Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nine months old and counting...

What a joy this boy is to Ryan and I. In the Disney movie Dumbo the young Dumbo elephant has a chance to go see his Mother, who is caged up in a train car. She can only reach her trunk outside of the window and down to his height. He swings in her large trunk and the song Baby Mine plays. It makes me cry just thinking about it. I love that song and sing it to George often, here are the lyrics: Baby mine, don't you cry Baby mine, dry your eyes Rest your head close to my heart Never to part, baby of mine Little one when you play Don't you mind what you say Let those eyes sparkle and shine Never a tear, baby of mine If they knew sweet little you They'd end up loving you too All those same people who scold you What they'd give just for The right to hold you From your head to your toes You're not much, goodness knows But you're so precious to me Cute as can be, baby of mine

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daniel Summit

Saturday Ryan and I were invited to go snowmobiling with my brothers, Jeff and Aaron, or as they call it, sledding. We don't leave George very often on the weekends, if fact we have only left him once before and that was on our 1 year Wedding Anniversary. And I have never been on a "sled" before and to tell you the truth I was extremely nervous (I didn't sleep much the night before). (Looks like Ryan is sleeping is this picture)

We met them up at Daniel Summit in Heber, Utah. We had a nice hot breakfast (I had the waffles with strawberries and Ryan had the biscuits and gravy). Then we got all bundled up and went cruising. Once I got going I felt very comfortable, just as I do on my 4 wheeler. Ryan and I followed Aaron and Jeff up and down the hills all morning and afternoon. It was a perfect day and I really enjoyed spending the day with my husband and brothers. (Pictured above from left to right: Jeff, Ryan, Steph and Aaron).

Sunday we took George and Buddy out for a walk. This is a daily occurrence in the warmer seasons and we try to get out as much as possible in the winter. If it's above 40 degrees Fahrenheit then it's warm enough.
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Friday, March 4, 2011

We are ready for take off/8 months old

George is officially crawling now and it is so cute! He was really good at the Army scoot on his belly and then he found his knees. So now he can easily get to Buddy and pester him all day long. George starts getting close and Buddy will look up at us with his puppy dog eyes and say, "please don't let him get any closer to me!"

But we let him, of course because it is so cute, and Buddy takes his pokes and prods for about 30 seconds and then he moves to another room. Then George goes looking for him and they do it all over again.

George's second favorite thing to do is get in Buddy's kennel and bang on the door.

I can see a great future for the two of them. Soon George will be sitting, standing and riding him like a horse and they will be life long friends. I hope!
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